LuAnn Bird
Interview with Lu-Ann Bird (Hour 1)
0:00 - Earl has on LuAnn Bird, a candidate for Wisconsin's State Assembly to discuss her platform, political record, and her life story.
13:00 - LuAnn talks misinformation on the effectiveness of publicly-funded education, and how her campaign intends on bolstering public schools.
20:50 - LuAnn finishes up her interview as Pastor Greg Louis guests on the show, discussing his upcoming voting events and Souls to the Polls.
Check out the music from the show here!
Women in Wisconsin’s Legislature and Beyond
In the first half, Mark talks with 84th assembly candidate, LuAnn Bird about her campaign successes and misinformation about Wisconsin’s education system. In the next half, Mark talks with Sarah Godlewski, Wisconsin state treasurer, about electing women to the legislature, gerrymandering, and more.
Interview: LuAnn Bird
Democratic candidate for the 84th assembly district, LuAnn bird shares why she's running for state assembly.
Little Jerry
Dr. Phil Rocco recaps Wisconsin news. Anne Wall tells us about her new book. Getting to know LuAnn Bird. Rosh Hashanah starts Sunday!
5:24 - Dr. Phil Rocco recaps Wisconsin news of the week
- Dr. Rocco talks about the political races happening in Wisconsin and population growth.
1:06:08 - Anne Wall tells us about her new book
- Athlete, author, and painter, Anne Wall shares how she found her life's purpose amidst a pandemic.
- Anne Wall talks about her journey through her book, "Awaken in Nature: Discover Your True Self."
1:29:54 - Getting to know LuAnn Bird
- Democratic candidate for the 84th assembly district, LuAnn bird shares why she's running for state assembly.
1:54:00 - Rosh Hashanah starts Sunday!
- Cantor Martin Levson from Waukesha's Congregation Emanu-El shares what Rosh Hashanah is.
Music from today's show can be found on As Goes Wisconsin's Spotify playlist.
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‘Grandma Lu’ Is Putting Hope Back on the Ballot. Guest: LuAnn Bird (Sept 6 – Hour 3)
LuAnn Bird talks about her candidacy in the 84th Assembly District, one of the handful in Wisconsin that remains competitive. Also, a reminder that even though Labor Day is over there remain many workers who are fighting for better working conditions.
On Wednesday: Dr. Kristin Lyerly on what the state’s 1849 abortion ban means for the future of finding physicians to serve rural Wisconsin. Kirk Bangstad will give an update on the Minocqua Brewing Co. and its SuperPAC.
The Paul Revere Show – Aug. 15