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Heather DuBois Bourenane

Uncomfortable Confrontations (Hour 2)

July 24, 2024

We have two different guest segments based on a theme of uncomfortable confrontations. Congressman Mark Pocan will talk about the awkward three weeks that Democrats weighed the viability of President Biden’s reelection bid. And we’ll review the flawed argument used to justify voucher schools with Derek Gottlieb, an associate professor at the University of Northern […]

The Education Wars (Hour 2)

July 17, 2024

Longtime Democratic strategist Joe Trippi gives us his perspective on whether the messages at the Republican convention are landing with moderate voters. Our Homeroom segment features Jennifer Berkshire, author of “The Education War.” And Todd Allbaugh talks about the experience of doing his radio show from inside the convention site. UpNorthNews with Pat Kreitlow airs […]

Community Schools: For the Common Good

July 15, 2024

The violence of this weekend is not democracy in action. In a democracy we use ballots, not bullets; voices, not violence to express differences. We’ll talk more this week about the nature of violent rhetoric. Our guests today are here to talk about the role of public schools in supporting their communities. Executive Director of […]

It’s My Birthday Too, Yeah (Hour 2)

July 3, 2024

Even on his birthday, our humble host can’t resist covering a little bit of news—especially when it involves a history-making like some renegade Supreme Court justices conferring king-like powers on to the president they support and owe for their wealth and fame. And our Homeroom segment features the two educators who first suggested a regular […]

Debunking “School Choice”

April 22, 2024

From now on, Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny will be joined every third Monday by educators from Wisconsin Public Education Network! Today, we have their Executive Director, Heather DuBois Bourenane, and Christian Phelps, their Director of Digital Organizing and Communications. In the wake of recent referendums around the state, Heather and Christian update us on […]

Referendum Fatigue (Hour 2)

April 17, 2024

In our Homeroom segment with the WI Public Education Network, we’ll review a new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum has some warnings about the sustainability of our state’s unique school funding system—one that relies on voters having to make up the difference when hostile politicians in the Legislature refuse to provide their share of […]

Referendum Season (2nd Hour)

February 14, 2024

We’ll talk to school officials from Menomonie and Cumberland, two of the many communities where voters will be asked next week or in April to approve a referendum that allows their local public schools to keep up with needed expenses— because the Republican-led Legislature won’t honor its responsibility to give Wisconsin kids a good education.

Bringing Home the Bacon (2nd Hour)

January 24, 2024

Sen. Tammy Baldwin is part of our first half-hour, describing how she helped bring home $1 billion for a massive but much needed infrastructure project up north. Then, in our weekly Homeroom segment, we get a sense of how many school districts are going to referendum this spring because the Legislature still refuses to fully […]

Underwood v. Vos: The New Voucher School Lawsuit (Hour 2)

October 18, 2023

A new lawsuit argues that the voucher schools program didn’t create choices in education so much as it created a cancer that threatens the survival of public education in Wisconsin. We’ll talk to Julie Underwood, one of the plaintiffs bringing the suit, and Heather DuBois Bourenane of the Wisconsin Public Education Network.  

Do We Want to Be Like Iowa—or Michigan? (Hour 2)

July 19, 2023

Is Wisconsin’s future more like what we’re seeing this year in Iowa—or Michigan? We will talk to Courier Newsroom journalists in both states, which have had very different legislative sessions. While Michigan Democrats have been advocating for democracy and equal rights, Iowa Republicans have been rolling things back. Also: Despite a compromise that gave more […]

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