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Dom Salvia

Sane-Washing And Child Care (Hour 1)

September 10, 2024

Guest: Dom Salvia

Oh what a beautiful morning! We have a packed show today and it starts with two guys with two thoughts on the same topic and boy howdy does it get weird! We then talk about how the media is normalizing or “Sane-Washing” the former president in what seems like an effort to make him look […]

Stronger Together (Hour 2)

September 9, 2024

We the People- what do those words even mean? It means we are stronger together than we could ever be when we tear ourselves apart. Dom chose to ink those words- We the People- onto himself, because he believes in them. In this hour, he and Earl discuss the importance of clinging to this simple […]

Guess Who’s Back… (Hour 1)

September 9, 2024

Setting the tone for his new show, Dom joins forces with Earl Ingram to hold Trump accountable for his nonsense. Yeah, we’re talking sanewashing– where media reports what Trump might have intended to say… without including everything that he actually said. So here you can expect to find what he really said, in all its […]

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