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“Why did you have that person on the air?” Let me tell you…..

By Chad Holmes



On Monday of this week I had five different people join me on the Chad Holmes Show on 98.9 WXCO. Four of which I knew wouldn’t raise an eyebrow but knew, just knew, that one would cause me trouble with some in our audience. I had our regular weather segment with meteorlogist Brittney Merlot. No problem. I also had a segment with Kim Susens and Jim Force of the Wausau Curling Club to discuss a national competition coming to our community at the end of next week. No issues there. The other segment with guests was a discussion of the building referendum question on the ballot on November 5th for the Mosinee School District. My guests were Mosinee Superintendent Greg Doverspike and Mosinee School Board President Kevin Hermening. Kevin Hermening, in addition to being the school board President, is also a divisive political figure to many in his role as the chair of the Marathon County Republican Party. I received a message wondering why I put him on the air and also wondering why I have had Wausau mayor Doug Diny on in the past. Also the message asked what our radio station and Civic Media is? Isn’t it supposed to be the progressive alternative to WSAU? Don’t Hermening and Diny and others have a venue to go on? Why are you putting them on? I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to explain what I try to do and what we try to do at Civic Media.

Let’s start with Monday’s appearance with Kevin Hermening. I have said many times on the air that we have an open door policy when it comes to guests that are running for office, currently in office, or involved in a question of public importance to come on my program to discuss it. Democratic, Republican and everything in between. A member of the Mosinee School Board reached out to me to see if the Superintendent and School Board President could come on the show to discuss the referendum question. I said yes despite some discomfort. I am not a fan of Mr. Hermening’s politics and many of his statements and actions as the Marathon County GOP head. However, in the end, it was an easy call for me. Number one, the topic at hand was not a partisan political issue. A nearly $20 million school referendum is an important one to a community in our listening area. If my program can provide some information for those making a decision in Mosinee then the discussion is more than worthwhile. Secondly, if I start to cherry pick my guests in a strictly personal way then I am a hypocrite. In the last couple of months I discussed a commentary given by WSAU’s Chris Conley where he defended the Meg Ellefson Show policy of not allowing many political candidates and office holders from appearing on their show because of “ratings”. I said it was wrong. If there is a legitimate candidate who wants to discuss the issues the voters are facing I want to have that discussion on my show. If I turn around and say “no, I don’t want Hermening on the show because I don’t like his politics” then I’m a hypocrite.

Turning to the questioning of having then-candidate and now-Mayor Doug Diny of Wausau on my show before and after the election. I have to admit of getting very steamed immediately after reading that point in the message. I felt their was an implication of “if you don’t have him on the show then he doesn’t get elected and we don’t have the drop box issue…..” After cooling down I realized that wasn’t the point. I understand, that after 20 plus years of WSAU dominating the news-talk arena with far-right voices, the want of hearing from other perspectives. However, pretending there is only one candidate in an election isn’t the right thing to do. I had Mayor Rosenberg on my program every month and felt it wasn’t just fair but right to have her opponent on as well. Mayor Diny hasn’t been on the show recently but I would have no hesitation of having him back at any time. Having people on the air who influence our lives in many ways, even if they don’t agree in all ways politically, is not a fault but a strength of our show and of our network. Civic Media encourages discussions with people of all political stripes in order to strengthen our democracy.

When looking at the list of political guests on my program it is way, way tilted to those on the progressive side. However, that some conservatives have felt is a place to discuss issues in a reasonable way is a positive. I know that Wausau School Board President Jim Bouche is a conservative politically. I had complaints when he was on. However, with the important issues the Board has, and continues to face, it’s important to get his perspective. When the very conservative Cory Sillars was running in his state Assembly race and couldn’t get on WSAU I was happy to have a discussion with him even when I didn’t agree with many of his views. I have had a segment titled “Outside the Bubble” from time to time where I talk to a conservative about issues. I think it’s important to have those discussions. I think it can help change a mind or two as they learn about what I think and I want to learn as well.

I understand the frustration after many years of one-sided talk, however, using their playbook is not the answer to strengthening our democracy. Respect, facts, fair discussion is important. If you want your thoughts and questions seen by those in the upper management at Civic Media you can send an e-mail to Those more important than me will see it. I appreciate those who do reach out, even to say that don’t like something I say or do. Hopefully the conversations will continue.

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