Source: Canva
North Central Wisconsin (WXCO, WFHR, WIRI) – Rep. Donna Rozar has held the seat in Assembly District 69 for the last two terms. After the redistricting, she now lives in the 86th District. Rep. John Spiros currently holds the seat and also plans to run for re-election. Both will run as Republicans. According to WisPolitics, the 86th Assembly District performance is 65.1% Republican.
Rep. Donna Rozar has lived in Marshfield since 1988. Originally from Virginia, Donna is a registered nurse with many years of experience in the healthcare industry. She’s served on the Wood County Board of Supervisors since 2000 and elected to the State Assembly in 2020. Rep. Rozar said in a press release, her life and work experience gives her a unique perspective on the issues discussed in the State Capitol. She is looking to represent her newly drawn district with common sense on healthcare issues, local government needs, economic development, and workforce challenges with like-minded colleagues.
The new legislative maps place Rep. Rozar in the 86th Assembly District, but that includes over 50% of her previous district. The new 86th District includes portions of Marathon, Portage, and Wood Counties. It begins north of the Town of Rib Falls in Marathon County and extends just south of Pittsville. The western border follows the Clark County line between Wood and Marathon Counties. In the east, the furthest point is at the Wisconsin River west of Stevens Point.
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