William Walter
A Sad Clown Show (Hour 1)
This hour, Todd recaps the second GOP presidential debate from last night with Wil Walter of Town Call.
First RNC debate coverage (hour 2)
Hosts Todd Allbaugh and Kristin Brey continue their pregame coverage of the first RNC presidential debate with guests Rick Wilson and Trygve Olson of the Lincoln Project, and former Republican strategist Stuart Stevens, to discuss the presidential field. William Walter of Our Wisconsin Revolution and Civic Media joins to discuss the youth vote.
Young Voters & Debate Predictions
Todd is joined by a number of Civic Media and Lincoln Project guests to discuss what the Republican candidates vying for the 2024 nomination can win over young people.
Will they have the will?
Wednesday with William Walter! Should candidates and elected officials pay themselves back for personal loans they make to their campaigns?? That and more Wisconsin headlines here on Dueling Tangents.
Will we share that revenue
It’s Wednesday! William Walter joins Luke for updates on the shared revenue proposal, and all the strings that come with! Plus, reports from outside spending on last month’s Supreme Court race!
Our 3rd favorite Wednesday
Luke and William Walter saunter in with a whole stack of tangents for the people, and they have a word or two for our supreme court and it's crumbling legacy.
Fire when ready
Luke, Bryan and Wil react to the headlines of the day, did you hear its “Firing Monday!”
What DOES the Faux say?
William Walter joins Luke on a Thursday, to discuss legislative proposals, university funding and the fallout of Fox settling the lawsuit with Dominion.
WILL they do it?!
2024 U.S. Senate map and Big Tech! Your calls, texts and tangents welcome at 844-967-2789.
Post-Tuesday Election Triage-in-Triplicate
If two's a good time, than three's a party on today's celebratory hour of Dueling Tangents. Join Luke, Bryan and William Walter in feelin' good on a wednesday, yah yah!