Seth Habhegger
Be Nice(r)… Tomorrow(Hour 1)
Welcome to the last Mornings with WFHR of 2024! Co-hosts Head of News, Melissa Kaye, Head of Production, Seth Habhegger, and Program Director, James J. Malouf, are in to talk new years resolutions, community updates, and to celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries!
High School Sports Edition
Welcome to WFHR's Playmakers! On this Friday afternoon host James J. Malouf is joined by Seth Habhegger to discuss the myriad of local High School sports going on, the Green Bay vs Minnesota playoff game, Pete Carroll's chances at coaching in Chicago, and hear from you!
Explain It To Me Like I’m Five(Hour 2)
Welcome back for this week's last hour of Mornings with WFHR! The crew is back to discuss some entertainment news, local event and programing updates, and a fun discussion about things people don't understand.
The Sting (Hour 1)
Welcome to this Friday Mornings with WFHR! Co-Hosts Melissa Kaye, Seth Habhegger and James J. Malouf are in to discuss work shoes, and other fun stories, as well as celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries! At the top of the hour they are joined by Brittney Merlot, Civic Media Meteorologist, with a check of the weekend forecast.
The Kitchen’s Open – A Christmas Feast (Hour 2)
Welcome back for the second hour of Mornings with WFHR! Your hosts, Melissa, Seth, and James, are back to discuss more fun holiday stories, local events, and programming updates! At the top of the hour they are visited by Beth Rohn-Habhegger and this week's The Kitchen's Open focusing on Christmas Foods!
Anything Can Be a Tree Topper (Hour 1)
Welcome to this Monday Mornings with WFHR! Co-hosts Seth Habhegger, James J. Malouf and Melissa Kaye are in to discuss some holiday fun, define tree toppers, and celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries!
Whatever City, Hallmark, USA (Hour 2)
Welcome back for the second hour of this Wednesday Mornings with WFHR! Seth and James are back in to discuss some entertainment news, local event news, and some programming notes.
Are You a Yuleshard? (Hour 1)
Good Wednesday Mornings with WFHR! Hosts James J. Malouf and Seth Habhegger are in to share some fun stories, this week's Wicked Awesome Word with Phil Hartley, and celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries! To kick off the hour they are joined by Civic Media Meteorologist Brittney Merlot and a check of the weather.
The Kitchen’s Open – Maple Syrup Edition(Hour 2)
Welcome back for the second hour of Mornings with WFHR! The Seth, Melissa, and James are back with Beth Rohn-Habhegger to kick off the second hour with The Kitchen's Open and Maple Syrup! Then the team discuss some entertainment news, local events news, and some programming notes.
The Answer was Right! (Hour 1)
Welcome to this Monday Mornings with WFHR! Co-hosts Melissa Kaye, Seth Habhegger, and James J. Malouf kick off the hour with Civic Media Meteorologist Brittney Merlot! Then the crew celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries, make someone a star of the day (Monday Edition) and share some fun stories!