Station Selected:

Dr. Tim Slekar

Educated Educators: Democracy Warriors

July 1, 2024

The Supreme Court’s decision today on Presidential Immunity has shaken up our understanding of democracy. Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny are here to break it down and talk about what it means for the future of public education. Our touchstone today is Timothy Snyder’s pamphlet, On Tyranny, 20 lessons to guide us in protecting democracy. […]

ACUE: Educating Educators

June 25, 2024

Higher Education has a lot of secrets, but this one is pretty shocking: for a long time, educators at the collegiate level have not received formal training in how to teach. So thank goodness for ACUE– the Association for College and University Educators- which has now trained over 40,000 American educators to be effective teachers […]

Here’s A Radical Idea: Let’s Fund Public Education

June 24, 2024

On the Busting Board today is Arizona’s ESA program- vouchers by a new name- exposed in this recent CNN article. Beth Lewis, contributor to the CNN article, seasoned educator, mom, Executive Director of Save Our Schools (SOS) Arizona, and first time Pencil Buster is here to break it down. What’s so bad about these voucher […]

The End of Education? It Doesn’t Exist!

June 13, 2024

Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny both have their PhDs in education, they’re both experts in their field, and they recognize how much they still have to learn. Tim’s joining us today live from the National Higher Education Teaching Conference. Today, we’re celebrating and honoring excellent teaching and learning at all levels. We’re also reflecting on […]

Rethinking Pencils-

June 11, 2024

Busted Pencils is excited to rekindle our relationship with Rethinking Schools, a Milwaukee-based social justice education advocacy and publication group. Special guest Cierra Kaler-Jones, executive director of Rethinking Schools, is with us to bust pencils today! Rethinking Schools got their start with challenging corporate text books that further diminished marginalized perspectives. Now, they work at […]

Testing Education: What Have All Those Tests Done to Education?

June 10, 2024

Kathy Greeley, 40+ year career educator and author of Testing Education, is here to bust some #2, standardized-testing-ready pencils. Over the past decades, America has instituted dozens of standardized tests and policies designed to raise standards. As much as those tests and those standards were designed to measure and increase learning, they’ve done incredible harm […]

Lost Dog – If found please educate (Hour 1)

June 10, 2024

Little baby Josephine had herself an adventure on Saturday, running away from Maggie. Have you ever lost a dog? What did you do to get the dog back? Educated Educators talking Education – Dr Tim Slekar from BustED Pencils joins Maggie, talking Biden’s Education Achievements. Record amounts of investing in Education Education are directly helping […]

What Does Learning Really Look Like?

June 6, 2024

Is there only one way that learning happens? Guest Jethro Jones is a nationally awarded educator and school leader, podcast network creator, and author. He is passionate about challenging myths surrounding learning loss and learning gaps. Just a hint- learning doesn’t look the same for everyone, nor for any one person throughout their lives. And […]

What Does it Mean for a School to Be Public?

June 4, 2024

How public are our public schools, really? Guest Jonathan Gyurko, author of Publicization, president and cofounder of the Association of College and University Educators breaks it down with Tim and Johnny. Jonathan defines publicization as the opposite of privatization- moving industries from the private to public domain.- and uses the term to discuss a potential […]

The Civics of It All

May 31, 2024

We’re covering the huge national news and huge emotions circulating the nation at Busted Pencils today. Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny break down their personal and professional reactions to the 34 guilty felony counts against former president and current presidential candidate Trump. What does it all mean for the future of education in America? Busted […]

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