Sam Wang

2023 Special: Fights Past and Present

January 1, 2024

Author Samuel Freedman's book, "Into the Bright Sunshine," tells the story of how a Minnesota senator and a Wisconsin congressman sparked a political earthquake at the 1948 Democratic convention, putting the party on a path to pass the Civil Rights Act. We also revisit interviews with Sam Wang of the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, Lee Rasch, and former US Rep. Dick Gephardt on efforts to restore trust and integrity to Wisconsin elections.

Ungerrymandering Wisconsin (Hour 1)

April 10, 2023

How could a Wisconsin Supreme Court under progressive control go about “un-gerrymandering” Wisconsin? Data scientist Sam Wang of the Princeton Gerrymandering Project says two current US Supreme Court justices—one liberal, one conservative—have already provided a blueprint for undoing the damage of rigged Republican maps.
