Laura Bird
Are You On The Naughty List? (Hour 2)
We’re bringing back author Laura Bird to share more recommendations on books as holiday gifts for kids and adults. And reporter Salina Heller asks kids how they know if they’re on Santa’s naughty list or the nice one. Here are the books recommendations mentioned on today’s show: UpNorthNews with Pat Kreitlow airs on several stations […]
Stuff Those Stockings with Books (Hour 2)
Children’s author Laura Bird has some holiday gift recommendations, not just for the young book-readers on your list but grown-ups as well. You might also be able to stuff stockings with Packers tickets. The Chicago Bears have sunk so low that ticket prices for the Bears-Packers season finale at Lambeau Field have actually gone down […]
Kids Books (Hour 2)
We’ll talk to an author of books geared toward middle schoolers about writing for a specialized audience. She’s also active in efforts to oppose book bans, so we’ll discuss whether recent election results might put more obstacles in the way of a good education. UpNorthNews with Pat Kreitlow airs on several stations across the Civic […]