Corinne Hendrickson

Weekly Best of UpNorthNews Radio with Pat Kreitlow for Jun 24

June 24, 2023

Gov. Tony Evers signed off on a deal that increases funds for local governments and schools, but it also strengthens the voucher schools that continue to undermine public education. The UW System is still facing a Republican budget cut, even with a record $7 billion surplus. GOP lawmakers tried to sneak through a change that […]

A Rough Week for Wisconsin Students (Hour 2)

June 21, 2023

Gov. Tony Evers signed off on a deal that increases funds for local governments and schools, but it also strengthens the voucher schools that continue to undermine public education. The UW System is still facing a Republican budget cut, even with a record $7 billion surplus. GOP lawmakers tried to sneak through a change that […]

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