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Help Families Affected by Hurricane Helene

Navigating the Healthcare Workforce Shortage

Navigating the Healthcare Workforce Shortage

March 23, 2024 8:00 AM CDT

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Join me as I talk to Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers about our state's decline in mental health, the workforce crisis in both childcare and the paid direct care workforce, and paid family leave. I will also speak with Janet Zander, Advocacy & Public Policy Coordinator with the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources. Janet is a member of the Governor's Healthcare Workforce Task Force, and she will explain how this new task force will address our state's direct care workforce shortage and what that means to your family. Lastly, I will speak with Tana Feiner, the Public Policy Ambassador for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention, about proposed gun legislation in Wisconsin geared to decreasing suicide rates.

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