dom salvia show

Weekly Best of Dom Salvia Show for Oct 14-18th

Weekly Best of Dom Salvia Show for Oct 14-18th







Catch up on these best segments from the week!

From the first hour of Tuesday's show: Maggie Daun joins Dom for a bit of overtime to address Trump's proposed economic plan. You know, the one that most economists agree would weaken our economy by raising inflation and deficits. Now, both Maggie and Dom have formal training in economists. So they do know a thing or two when it comes to tariffs, taxes, and trade wars (oh my). And when Trump claims that his proposed tariffs are just "a figure of speech," it shows that our two have a better grasp on the topic than he ever will.

Next, from Tuesday's second hour: Hey conductor? I'd like to get off this Crazy Train. On Monday, the 45th POTUS hosted an event billed as a Town Hall. Dom and Jess thought they understood the format of a Town Hall. What we saw was... not that. Instead, we saw Trump take a few pre-ordained questions. And then hard-pivot away from questions aboard the Crazy Train . And stand, wobbling and smirking in the only way he knows how to dance, for nearly 40 minutes.

Then, in Thursday's first hour: Who determines when America is great? We. The. People. Eloisa Gomez joins us for a discussion on voter engagement. Eloisa is an author (Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists) and activist with the League of Women Voters, Wisconsin. As part of her efforts with the League, Eloisa co-founded Comité por El Voto Latino, an outreach and advocacy group focused on increasing engagement and excitement with Latino voters.

Finally, from Wednesday's first hour: A President for All or A President for One, a conversation with Gwen Moore. Gwen Moore, sitting Congresswoman representing Wisconsin's 4th district, joins us to discuss the current state of the Presidential race.

Join Dom Salvia every afternoon from 4-6pm for news (some), humor (more), and great conversation (always)! Listen throughout the state of Wisconsin on the Civic Media network and worldwide on the Civic Media app. Call or text to join the fun at 855-752-4842.
