Laura McKenna
Christmas is one of the most delicious times of the year. But if you baked too early and didn’t freeze your cookies, it can also be one of the most disappointing times of the year. NO ONE wants stale Christmas cookies!
Try this little trick if you notice your cookies are getting harder than you’d like….
Place a slice of white bread inside your cookie container. Magically, overnight (or give it about 24 hours), the cookies should soften up again. Discard the bread and you should be good to go with nice, soft cookies again!
Be careful though: If you choose to use anything other than white bread, you run the risk of a flavor transfer from the bread to your cookies. So leave the 12-Grain Multi Bread for your breakfast toasting, don’t place that inside with your cookies. If you do, your cookies might taste a little more earthy than they started out.
Want to contact Laura McKenna about some of your favorite holiday recipes or cookie baking tricks? Anything else on your mind? Email anytime, she’d love to hear from you:
And tune in weekdays starting at 10am to St. Croix Country & WCFW!