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Like To Get To Know You

Like To Get To Know You

Dakota Lavota



Timeless hits demand a knowledgeable voice. 

While we’re sad to see Cindy Huber go, we’re extremely pleased with the addition of The Dan Markus Wax Museum to the WRJN family.  With a long radio history that includes stints in Milwaukee, you’ll either remember the voice of Dan Markus or make a new friend, weekdays from 9 to 2.  

Dan has been a radio broadcaster since his college years in the 1970s. His primary interest is the music of the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s, and his career has opened doors to meeting and interviewing (in person and by phone) many of the artists of the Timeless Hits Era. 

The hiring news hit industry publications this week, with mentions in RadioInk and RadioInsight.  Night jock and General Manager Chris Moreau was quoted in those articles, saying, “Dan helps us maintain the high standard that Cindy set with this station and format. His knowledge and love for the music from this era and overall experience makes Dan the perfect fit for Racine, WRJN, and Civic Media.”

We wanted to get to know Dan Markus a little better and asked a few questions… 

Q: What’s at the top of your tree, Star or Angel? Other? 

A: Angel

Q. What flavor of kringle is the best?  

A. Cherry for me, Pecan for my wife Viki (sic).  I devour both.

Q. Present opening, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? 

A. Christmas Day, when the extended family is able to get here.  They come for the presents, stay for the food.

Q. Craziest Milwaukee radio moment? 

A. When I sang onstage with the Mamas and Papas (it was “Happy birthday” to group leader John Phillips) (EDITOR NOTE – We’ll need ‘The Rest of the Story’ on this tale.)

Q. Best gift ever?

A. My Eldon (brand) slot car set, when I was a kid.  Endless hours of year-’round fun alone and with neighborhood friends Ken and Carl.

Q. Tree lights, white or multi-colored?  

A. White, non-blinking.

Q. Is a hot dog a sandwich?  

A. Absolutely!  (alternate answer:  HELL YA!)
