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Source: Melissa Kaye

ATV/UTVs in Wisconsin Rapids

The question of ATV/UTVs in Wisconsin Rapids is under discussion again at the Common Council Meeting this week.

Melissa Kaye

Jan 22, 2025, 12:48 PM CST



Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – The Common Council discussed another ordinance to allow ATV/UTVs in Wisconsin Rapids at their meeting on Tuesday. The proposed new ordinance was brought to the Public Works Committee by Alderperson Madalyn Palmquist. Wisconsin Rapids residents voted down an earlier ordinance on the November ballot that would have allowed 12-15 year old drivers to operate recreational vehicles on city streets.


District 1

During discussion, Alderperson Ryan Austin District 1 stated the opinion that voting for the ordinance is a vote for economic development. “This is not just about allowing vehicles on city streets, it’s about ensuring the future prosperity of our city.” He pointed out that the economic benefits of outdoor recreation in Wisconsin are large. “Outdoor activities contribute $9.8 billion dollars to the state GDP with ATV/UTV riding being the second highest contributor.”  

District 2

Alderperson Dean Veneman District 2 said the city residents voted the original ordinance down with a substantial margin. If the Common Council approves this ordinance, they are rejecting the will of the people.

District 3

Alderperson Justin Pluess District 3 said he was not opposed to an ATV/UTV ordinance when it was initially proposed, however, the people spoke with their vote. “For this council to take action and say that we know best, regardless if it’s in the interest of economic development or not, goes against the will of the people. When the people speak, we should listen. When the people vote, we should act accordingly. Anything less than that is a betrayal of the office that we hold.

District 7

Alderperson Patrick Delaney District 7 pointed out that while he will vote no if the ordinance is brought to a vote, his replacement has indicated he will vote yes. “So what they want to do is put this off, put it back till my replacement comes in April, and then go ahead and pass this. So, if that’s something you guys are fine with, go ahead and send it back to Public Works. If not, um, vote it down.”

How does this benefit the city?

Alderperson Jake Cattanach District 5 said he didn’t believe passing the ordinance would bring in money to help off-set the city’s debt load. “I don’t believe the city would collect any revenue on this. If I’m wrong, someone let me know. Our tax levy is based off of property taxes. The way we can increase that amount is through net new construction. If someone wants to argue that there could be some net new construction through this, I’ll hear it.” Ryan Austin later stated that the city does receive a hotel tax as part of their revenue. 

According to Cattanach, 2 out of every 3 residents in Alderperson Palmquist’s district voted against the ordinance. Her district had the largest percentage voting against it and she is the one bringing another ordinance to the table. The only district that voted for it is Ryan Austin in District 1. Cattanach said, “So the fact that we’re even considering this again is a complete disregard for our constituents. Except for yours Mr. Austin.

Council as Leaders

Alderperson Madalyn Palquist stated that it’s presumptuous to say that 55 percent of Wisconsin Rapids residents do not want ATVs and UTVs on city streets at all. Because the referendum was not advisory, it was never intended to gauge the public’s opinion on the broad issue of having these vehicles on the streets. “It’s proven with statements from constituents who did vote no, but said they would support an ordinance with different restrictions in place. It’s proven by members of this council who said that you did not support the state requirements but you would support an ordinance with a valid drivers license that restricted 12 to 15 year olds from driving on the roadway.” 

She said the ordinance would cost them little money to implement and could have a significant positive impact on the city’s finances, but they will never know if they don’t try it. “Our constituents entrusted us to be leaders. They assigned us to do the research on these topics, weigh the options, consult with the experts, and make decisions that allow our city to progress. We make this type of decision every time we meet.

Mayor Zacher Weighs In

The council asked Mayor Matt Zacher to weigh in on the discussion as he would break the tie if it came to a four to four vote down the road. The mayor said he doesn’t see having ATV/UTVs in Wisconsin Rapids as a bad thing. He also pointed out there are no conspiracies involved in the process as the city is working through it. “My biggest thing is to understand that there’s pressure from the state all the way down through the county through the city and it’s coming and it’s going to be here eventually.”

Alderperson Cattanach asked Mayor Zacher to explain what he meant by ‘pressure from the state’. Zacher explained it’s not, what he referred to as, ‘in your face’ pressure. With the lack of snow over the past several years, the DNR and the state are looking for something to replace that outdoor recreation tourism revenue. ATV/UTV tourism could be that replacement.

Zacher explains his comment about state pressure

Ordinance Tabled

The Council eventually voted to table the ATV/UTV until such time the council decides to take it up again. Jeff Penzkover pointed out that the attorney’s need to come up with clarity on what will happen with Griffith Avenue and the County allowing ATV/UTV use as part of the County Trail System. City Attorney Sue Schill said that after she has an opportunity to discuss with council and others on what they need to do regarding Griffith Avenue, she would consider sending a referral to the Chair. That would probably be a separate ordinance than ATV/UTVs in Wisconsin Rapids as a whole. Schill also clarified with the Council that they need to notify the City Clerk to put the ATV/UTV item on the agenda before it can be taken up again to either move forward or strike it from the table.

How to contact your Alderperson

You can find which Wisconsin Rapids City district you reside in here. If you want to contact your Alderperson, you can find that information on the City website here. You can watch the full City Council meeting from January 21, 2025 here.

Update 1/23/25: Story updated with added context to Mayor Zacher’s comment about state pressure on passing ATV/UTV ordinances.

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