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Source: Richland Center Government

Richland Center City Council Approve MSS

Jo Ann Krulatz

Jan 8, 2025, 11:54 AM CST



At Tuesday night’s Richland Center City Council meeting, the council approved the reclassification of the Municipal Services Specialist from a limited term position to a permanent position. Upon confirming Jasen Glasbrenner’s appointment as Public Works Director, in addition to his role of Economic Development Director, the Personnel Committee recognized the need for increased administrative support. To address this, the Committee authorized the creation of a limited-term position to assist Director Glasbrenner in fulfilling his dual responsibilities. Darcy Perkins joined the City of Richland Center on October 21, as a Limited-Term Employee (LTE) Municipal Services Specialist (MSS) reporting to Director Glasbrenner. Since joining the team, Perkins has made significant contributions across a wide range of projects, including: collaboratively drafting a hotel RFP, seeking new grant opportunities, administering CDI and Congressional grants, creating standard operating procedures, conducting equipment inventory, assisting with mowing and plowing route refinement, listing items for sale on Wisconsin Surplus, consolidating vendor accounts, assisting with creating job postings, participating in interview panels, assisting with tax collection, and accounts payable.

The council also made several decisions of selling old equipment and purchasing new equipment. In 2010, the Parks and Grounds Department purchased a Zamboni Ice Resurfacer at the price of $15,195. The equipment has not been used in recent years and has been used very seldom overall. The Zamboni has been evaluated for sale. New, the equipment retails at $15,950 and the Zamboni Company Ltd. Advised that the equipment should bring a good price as these machines are rarely found used. The Zamboni will be listed with Wisconsin Surplus.

The sale of a 2011 Ford F350 Truck was also approved. Similar sales listed on Wisconsin Surplus indicate an approximate value of $5,000.

The purchase of a chipper will be split by the Public Works Department and the Electric Department of City Utilities. Two bids were received. The lesser of the two was a New Bandit CB90 from Brooks Tractor at a cost of $59,500. The existing chipper will be sold.

A request by the WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics regarding a Sponsor commitment for the Richland Center Airport 2025 Crackseal Project in the amount of $4,000 was approved.

Also approved last night was a Public Outreach Services Contract with Southwest Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission; and two conditional use permits, one was to the Richland Hospital and Clinics to allow a Pharmacy in the building; and to the county for a communication structure on Tower Hill.

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