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Richland County will begin the new year with a balanced budget

Richland County will begin the new year with a balanced budget

Jo Ann Krulatz / Adam D. Hess

Oct 30, 2024, 8:44 AM CST



Richland County will begin the new year with a balanced budget. County Administrator, Candace Pesch, gave a presentation of the county’s proposed 2025 Budget during a public hearing at last night’s (Tuesday) County Board meeting. The budget highlights included: an increase in investment income of $150,000; a five percent wage pool to offset a wage study being integrated into the current budget; a reduction in short-term borrowing for capital improvement projects of $408,800; and short-term borrowing done with a local bank, saving approximately $20,000 in bonding fees. No General Fund balance, Contingency Funds, or ARPA funds were used to balance the budget of nearly $42.6 million. Following the public hearing, the Richland County Board of Supervisors approved the 2025 budget which includes revenues from the County sales tax in the estimated amount of $1.5 million, and that the sum of $10.3 million be levied on all taxable property in Richland County for County purposes for the year 2025. Pesch also reported that three banks were approached for the short term borrowing. The county will go with Community First Bank at a 4.5% interest rate.

Andy Phillips from the Wisconsin Counties Association presented revisions and amendments for the county board rules. Serving as Wisconsin Counties Association attorney he was asked to look at these rules.

The main rule facing the board is that only members of the committee may sit in on closed sessions of standing committees, whether they are a county board supervisor or not. The rule titled, Exclusion from Closed Session at Committee, Other Board or Commission Meetings. It states that a board member that is not a member of a committee, other board or commission may be excluded from a closed session portion of a committee, other board or commission meeting upon majority vote of the committee, other board or commission.

Also amended was the procedure for enforcement of rules: If the Board Rules are violated during a meeting of a Board, Committee, Other Board or Commission, the Board Chair or other presiding officer of the meeting shall have all powers under the Board Rules to immediately bring a Board Member’s conduct into conformity with the Board Rules. If appropriate, the Board Chair or other presiding officer of the meeting may report a violation of the Board Rules to law enforcement for purposes of taking appropriate action, which may include removal of the offending Board Member from a meeting and/or issuing a citation for disorderly conduct. In addition, the Board Chair or other presiding officer of the meeting shall refer the matter to the Executive and Finance Committee to determine what, if any, further sanction is warranted. The Executive and Finance Committee shall make a report to the County Board as soon as practicle and provide a recommendation as to the appropriate sanction, if any. The County Board shall make the final determination on the appropriate sanction, if any. The board approved the amended Rules of the Board on an 18 to 2 vote with Supervisors Alayne Hendricks and Mary Miller voting against.

The Richland County Sheriff’s Office has a new K-9. K-9 Ravin is partnered with Deputy Isaac Gerber. The Richland County Board of Supervisors approved to pay Vohn Liche Kennels Inc. in the amount of $20,325 from donated funds for the purchase and training of Ravin.

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