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Eau Claire Area School District Approves November Referendum

James Kelly

Jun 5, 2024, 10:35 AM CST



The Eau Claire Area School District board unanimously voted to approve an $18 million referendum for the November ballot.

The referendum would provide the $18 million each year for four years, covering a variety of operational costs for the district. If passed, the referendum would add about $100 in taxes per $100,000 of property value.

The question that will appear on the November ballot reads as follows: “Shall the Eau Claire Area School District, Chippewa, Dunn, and Eau Claire Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statues, by $18,000,000 for the 2024-2025 school year and for each of the succeeding 3 school years thereafter, for non-recurring purposes to fund operating costs to ensure stability of educational programs, including elementary reading; behavioral and mental health resources for students; school safety; and sustain students to staff ratios.”

Ballot referendums have become a popular way for schools to seek funding in recent years. During this past April election, there were 93 total school referendum questions proposed across the state. Of those 93 referendum questions, 57 were passed. Many school districts that were unable to pass their referendum questions have instead turned to cutting back on staff and other programs to make up their budget shortfalls.

According to a WQOW report, community surveys conducted by the Eau Claire Area School District found that a little less than half of respondents would support the increased taxes for the referendum. The district is also planning an information and outreach campaign over the summer, as well as a formal resolution.

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