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American Red Cross encourages blood donations during summer

American Red Cross encourages blood donations during summer

Source: Courtesy of American Red Cross

May 29, 2024 7:34 AM CDT
By: Lisa M. Hale

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GREEN BAY, WI – (WGBW & WISS) – The American Red Cross says that it’s crucial for people to remember to schedule blood donations throughout the summer months.

“We all spend so much time outdoors in the summer. And we plan our vacations, and we go on our trips. Quite often, if someone may have a regular schedule of giving blood or comes in at regular times, those schedules may get thrown off or someone may think, ‘Oh, I’ll get back on my regular schedule. Once fall comes around,’” said Rebecca Rockhill, Executive Director of the American Red Cross Northeast Wisconsin Chapter. “But even missing or falling behind on those donations can have a devastating impact for many lives who may need that blood in emergency.

Rockhill said the huge number of disasters across the nation have used the blood supply. She added that accidents always happen. 

“ But when we think about someone who may need blood, even just a car accident. Someone going into an emergency room may end up needing 100 units of blood.  So, even when we consider someone coming in and giving one unit of blood, it’s extremely important that we keep up with that demand. And we certainly never see a time of year that the demand gets less,” said Rockhill.

“ We need to make sure that we are keeping those donations regular year round. So no matter when it’s needed, it’s there.”

Blood donors can give blood every 56 days, said Rockhill. But, the shelf life for a pint of blood is just 42 days, so there is no way to stockpile blood for low donation times. Rockhill said all blood types are needed.

American Red Cross Blood Drives

Blood drives are scheduled throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Rockhill says you can search the blood drives by zipcode at You can also phone 1-800-RED-CROSS. There is also a blood donor app you can put on your phone. 

Especially with the app, you can put in your information, you get a barcode and we want to make it so that you can just come in and scan in and you’re ready to go with your donation after a health history. So you are in and out usually in less than an hour,” said Rockhill.

Rockhill said it’s important to make the appointment to donate blood, but to also remember to keep that appointment.

“Other things come up, as we know in the summertime. Please make sure that you’re keeping those appointments and you’re helping to save lives. We never know when those car crashes may happen. You may never know when someone in your own family needs blood,” Rockhill said. “And you wanna make sure that those shelves are stocked and ready to go when they are needed.”

Tetris Celebration

To celebrate the 40th birthday celebration of the iconic video game, the Red Cross is teaming up with Tetris to build the blood supply.

“All who come in to donate blood right now through June 9th will receive an exclusive Tetris and Red Cross blood donor t-shirt while the supplies last,” said Rockhill. “They will automatically be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to New York to meet the Tetris creator as well.”

To learn more about the Tetris promotion visit

The press release from the American Red Cross about upcoming blood drives follows:

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