Shawn Becker

Wood County Sheriff’s Office

July 5, 2023

Sheriff Becker talks about how the 4th of July went, some talk of hit and run cases, Wood County Rescue, and funding to help make policing better.

Wood County Sheriff’s Office

June 7, 2023

Sheriff Becker talks about the investigation on Oregon Street, the progress of the new jail, and Bluegrass at the Lake.

Wood County Sheriff’s Office

April 5, 2023

Shawn and Scott talk about the recent scam with a Bitcoin kiosk and how to avoid being taken, using a drone to find a lost teenager, and how volunteering helps local rescue efforts.

Wood County Sheriff’s Dept.

January 4, 2023

Sheriff Becker discusses how the new jail expansion will impact the county, the importance of mental health for everyone, the upcoming Polar Plunge, the snowmobile patrol, and other items of interest.

Wood County Sheriff’s Department

November 2, 2022

Sheriff Becker discusses various topics concerning policing and rescue throughout Wood County.

Wood County Sheriff’s Department

October 5, 2022

James and Sheriff Becker discuss various aspects of law enforcement throughout Wood County.

Wood County Sheriff’s Department

September 7, 2022

James speaks with Sheriff Shawn Becker for the entire hour on various topics important to law enforcement in Wood County.