Nicole Slavin
Let Them Hear You (Hour 2)
It’s Motherhood Monday, when our friends from Motherhood for Good join us to tell busy moms how important it is to stay on top of current events and keep your elected officials honest. This time, they discuss the urgency of telling politicians in Congress and the Legislature to stop blocking common-sense gun safety measures that have overwhelming public support.
A Victory Lap for Moms (Hour 2)
Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will be controlled by progressives for the first time in 15 years, thanks in large part to moms and their allies who spread the word that nothing gets better until they pursue a much higher level of civic engagement and community organizing. We’ll talk to Nicole Slavin and Erin Phillips of Motherhood for Good about continuing the momentum into areas like the politicization of women’s medication.
Time for Moms to Make a Difference (Again) (Hour 2)
With hundreds of members and thousands of followers, Motherhood for Good is motivating an entire block of voters—busy moms—who otherwise might have skipped Tuesday’s critical state Supreme Court election. The group’s 5-member executive board joins us to make one final pitch to parents about the very real impact this race will have on families in Wisconsin.
Motherhood Monday: School Board Races (Hour 2)
It's Motherhood Monday—Kate and Nicole of Motherhood for Good will have information on what busy moms should know about April's school board races, especially the buzzwords you're likely to hear and what they really mean.
Judge Janet Protasiewicz Interview (Hour 2)
Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz talks about her campaign for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Also, Kate Duffy and Nicole Slavin of Motherhood for Good offer a parents’ perspective on the Supreme Court race in this week’s edition of Motherhood Mondays.
- Bryce Luchterhand
The Premiere of Motherhood Mondays (Hour 2)
Kate Duffy and Nicole Slavin were among the founders of “Moms for Mandela,” a group dedicated to helping explain last year’s campaign issues to parents too busy to follow politics regularly. Now, after Wisconsin’s closest US Senate race, they have decided to continue finding ways to make important political matters more accessible to parents and others—renaming themselves “Motherhood for Good.” We’ll introduce their occasional Monday series of guests and timely topics.
Go Get ‘Em – Part 1
Sen. Tammy Baldwin weighs in on the coming wave of first-time voters she expects to show up on this Election Day. Kristin Lyerly and Nicole Slavin of Moms for Mandela speak on turning the day into a positive expression of support for democracy. And we review a failed GOP effort to have military absentee ballots set aside in Wisconsin, a successful Republican effort to throw out thousands of absentee ballots in Pennsylvania.
On Wednesday:
- We don’t know! But we’ll have reactions to whatever shakes out, once the votes are counted.
Close Races? No Way! – Part 2
No surprises in the topline numbers of the new Marquette Poll—the big races are too close to call. So what can we learn from a deeper dive into the responses? Political analyst Joe Zepecki has answers. Also: Nicole Slavin from “Moms for Mandela,” Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil, and reaction to President Biden’s speech about the path to chaos posed by those who lie about elections and threaten violence.
On Friday:
- Mark Jacob on how the press is covering the final week of the 2022 campaigns, and Courier Newsroom political director Carolyn Fiddler.