Keya Vakil
Never Forget (Hour 1)
We remember the tragedy of the January 6 insurrection and the continuing quest for justice and consequences for those who plotted and took part in the deadly attack on the United States government.
We visit with Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil and political director Carolyn Fiddler.
Crazy Ain’t Dead—Just Taking a Nap (Hour 2)
The midterm elections are finally over. Former President Trump is disgraced. Republicans say they’ll learn some lessons from the carnage. Or will they? We’ll ask Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil and Mark Jacob, a former editor with the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times. Also, guest sportscaster Dan Schumacher on the Badgers and Marquette each playing in the NCAA volleyball tournament.
Wha’ Happened? – Part 1
We ask three friends of the show about the “red wave” that never quite materialized and what lessons we can learn from the wins and losses in Wisconsin and around the country. Contributing analyst Joe Zepecki in Milwaukee, Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil in Los Angeles, and Brett Pransky from our Pennsylvania outlet The Keystone help us make sense of Tuesday’s results.
On Friday:
- Sen. Tammy Baldwin talks to us about asking the US Dept. of Education to go after predatory private schools that forced students into unnecessarily expensive loans while offering nearly-worthless diplomas. Also, Courier Newsroom political director Carolyn Fiddler, former Chicago Tribune editor Mark Jacob, and UW-Eau Claire athletic director Dan Schumacher.
Close Races? No Way! – Part 1
No surprises in the topline numbers of the new Marquette Poll—the big races are too close to call. So what can we learn from a deeper dive into the responses? Political analyst Joe Zepecki has answers. Also: Nicole Slavin from “Moms for Mandela,” Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil, and reaction to President Biden’s speech about the path to chaos posed by those who lie about elections and threaten violence.
On Friday:
- Mark Jacob on how the press is covering the final week of the 2022 campaigns, and Courier Newsroom political director Carolyn Fiddler.
Attacking America Through Flat Taxes and Debt Limits. (Oct 27 – Hour 3)
Gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels’ flat tax plan is panned by economists for what it is—a massive tax break for millionaires, leaving everyone else to pay more or face severe cuts to basic services. On the national level, Republicans are all but promising economic chaos by holding the US debt limit hostage to demands to slash vital programs for older Americans.
On Friday:
- Mark Jacob
- Carolyn Fiddler
Going to Extremes
Courier Newsroom’s deputy political editorial director provides an update on races across the country, where the most extreme Republican nominees are having a tough time in most of their campaigns—unless you’re a college football star who gets a pass for opposing abortion exceptions for everyone, except the girlfriend you got pregnant.
On Friday:
- Phil Swanhorst, Marc Jacob, Carolyn Fiddler
Dems in Disarray. Republicans Wish They Only Had Disarray (Oct 6 – Hour 3)
Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil reviews national headlines. Pat has strong words for those who have time to criticize fellow progressives to the national press. And anti-Trump Republicans place a $1 million ad buy in Wisconsin against Tim Michels.
On Friday:
- Mark Jacob
- Carolyn Fiddler
- Cam Stevenson of the Arizona Copper Courier
If Dr. Oz Says There’s No Place Like Home, Where Does He Go? Guest: Keya Vakil (Sept 8 – Hour 3)
Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil joins us from Los Angeles to review election races in several states, including the US Senate contest in Pennsylvania. Or is it New Jersey? Dr. Oz seems confused over his residency. We also update races in Michigan and Arizona, as well as the attorney general race in Wisconsin.
On Friday: Ruth Conniff of the Wisconsin Examiner talks about this week’s headlines. Media critic Mark Jacob reviews a national press corps that thinks it’s “political” to take a stance defending democracy.
Replacing Education Debt with Instant Economic Stimulus. Guest: Keya Vakil (Aug 25 – Hour 3)
Predatory lending and a failure to keep higher education affordable has left Americans almost $2 trillion in debt. President Biden’s move to forgive a portion of that will let households put more money in the local economy. Also, Courier Newsroom national correspondent Keya Vakil wraps up topics at Netroots Nation.
On Friday:
State Rep. Francesca Hong, media critic Mark Jacob, and UpNorthNews reporter Christina Lorey.
Hour 3: Right Wing Disconnect