Frank Anderson

Office Space & Al Capone(Hour 2)

February 19, 2024

Office Space was released 25 years ago, February, 19th 1999. Pete shares his favorite clips from the movie. Frank Anderson from Wisconsinology joins the show. Frank and Pete talk Wisconsin, Al Capone, and what Franks got going on.

Nite Lite With Pete Schwaba is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Mon-Fri from 7-9 PM Statewide. Subscribed to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! Each episode streams live to Facebook, YouTube, and on X! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to to see the entire broadcast line up.

Taylor Swift & The Best Food(Hour 1)

January 29, 2024

Pete shares what he did the past weekend and has a problem with cleanliness. Civic Media's own Aaron Carreno joins in studio. Pete and Aaron talk about past jobs. Frank Anderson from Wisconsinology joins in to talk ghost stories and Taylor Swift.

Nite Lite with Pete Schwaba is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 8-10 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribed to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Pete and the show!

Citizen Kane (Hour 1)

December 28, 2023

Pete goes over the great birthday today, Denzel Washington(69). Schwabs talks about his favorite movies from him. Pete shares the top baby names of 2023, and the worst baby names ever. Frank Anderson from Wisconsinology joins in to talk about Orson Welles track record in film. Join in to find out about Orson's incredible life.

Nite Lite With Pete Schwaba is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Mon-Fri from 8-10 PM Statewide. Subscribed to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to to see the entire broadcast line up.

Dodge Ball & Rocky Balboa (Hour 1)

December 15, 2023

Its National Underdog day! Pete shares his favorite underdog films. Join in to hear some of the best clips from "A league of its own," "The Jerk," and "Rocky Balboa." Frank Anderson creator of the website Wisconsinology talks with Pete about 10 chimneys, an elegant three-story House with six chimneys and eighteen rooms with four more chimneys around the estate. Pete asks Frank some important questions.
