Dr. Johnny Lupinacci
Summer Days, Drifting Away…
Teacher Hallie and Teacher Joanna of Educators Amplified join Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny for a Wednesday when we're ALL feeling amplified. President Biden has chosen nation over self and ended his re-election campaign, opting to pass the torch to the next generation, and sparking a groundswell of energy for the democratic process. Hallie and Joanna are preparing to teach this momentous period of history. But that's a concern for... oh goodness it's nearly the end of July! How did that happen??
Democracy in Action value: popular sovereignty, connected to Teacher Hallie reminding us to have hope in the people, who are the foundation of our government.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Community Schools: For the Common Good
The violence of this weekend is not democracy in action. In a democracy we use ballots, not bullets; voices, not violence to express differences. We'll talk more this week about the nature of violent rhetoric.
Our guests today are here to talk about the role of public schools in supporting their communities. Executive Director of the Wisconsin Public Education Network, Heather DuBois Bourenane is here repping the advocacy and support WPEN coordinates for public schools. Joining her today are two new pencil busters: Sarita Foster, Director of Community Schools for the Madison Metro School District and Jamie Racine, District Coordinator for Sun Prairie Community Schools and co-chair of WI Coalition for Community Schools. Register for the WPEN Annual Summit July 30-31st and for the Wisconsin Community Schools Conference July 30th.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Democracy: In Action!
Thank goodness it's Busted Pencils Friday! First off, some trivia. The submarine revolutionized how humans thought of and engaged with big waters. When did the United States first use a submarine for military purposes? The answer will leave you... shell-shocked.
Every day on Busted Pencils, we highlight a moment of democracy in action. That term comes from Dr. Johnny Lupinacci's experience as an educated educator. Today Johnny explains how he uses core democratic values to frame how he teaches teachers how to teach democratically: how to guide a student into becoming a democratic citizen. Coming up next week, we're digging into one of 20 lessons On Tyranny from the 21st century: stand out.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Weekly Best of Busted Pencils for Jul 6
Happy Saturday! It's time to catch up on this week's best segments of BustED Pencils so you're ready for Monday!
This week, we dove into how some states are using their independence from the federal government with regards to education to rush headlong into Christian Nationalism- yeah, we're looking at you Ohio, Louisiana, and Texas.
But it's not all doom and gloom this week! Tim and Johnny recalled some of their best moments of experiential learning with Teacher Joanna of Educators Amplified, talking about how transformative a really good field trip can be.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Are great teachers born that way? We don’t think so.
Let’s get real here: great teachers aren’t spawned fully formed. People- learners seeking to become leaders- become great teachers through hard work, continuous learning, and community investments. So what is the existing infrastructure for people who want to teach to become high-quality educators?
And don't worry, we're also talking Democracy in Action, continuing to honor Independence Day yesterday while engaging in the civic duty of opposing the creep of Christian nationalism.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Educated Educators: Democracy Warriors
The Supreme Court's decision today on Presidential Immunity has shaken up our understanding of democracy. Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny are here to break it down and talk about what it means for the future of public education. Our touchstone today is Timothy Snyder's pamphlet, On Tyranny, 20 lessons to guide us in protecting democracy. We all have a role to play in protecting the institutions that serve our democracy.
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Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
ACUE: Educating Educators
Higher Education has a lot of secrets, but this one is pretty shocking: for a long time, educators at the collegiate level have not received formal training in how to teach. So thank goodness for ACUE- the Association for College and University Educators- which has now trained over 40,000 American educators to be effective teachers in its 10 years. Jonathan Gyurko, co-founder and President of ACUE and returning Pencil Buster is here to talk educating educators.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Here’s A Radical Idea: Let’s Fund Public Education
On the Busting Board today is Arizona's ESA program- vouchers by a new name- exposed in this recent CNN article. Beth Lewis, contributor to the CNN article, seasoned educator, mom, Executive Director of Save Our Schools (SOS) Arizona, and first time Pencil Buster is here to break it down. What's so bad about these voucher systems and how do they really affect public education? Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny, and Beth deliver a Voucher 101 lesson.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
The End of Education? It Doesn’t Exist!
Dr. Tim and Dr. Johnny both have their PhDs in education, they're both experts in their field, and they recognize how much they still have to learn. Tim's joining us today live from the National Higher Education Teaching Conference. Today, we're celebrating and honoring excellent teaching and learning at all levels. We're also reflecting on the week so far, chopping up how important public education is for a healthy democracy.
Busted Pencils is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-7 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Dr. Tim, Dr. Johnny and the show!
Sam Alito needs an education (Hour 1)
Sam Alito was caught talking nonchalantly about returning the country to godliness. Perhaps a middle school civics lesson on the separation of powers is in order.
Dr Johnny Lupinacci from BustEd Pencils educates Maggie on what Joe Biden is doing for education. They also include word pet peeves irregardless of the subject matter.
The Maggie Daun Show is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 2-4 pm across the network. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up with Maggie and the show!