Christie Barlament
Ready For The Weekend (Hour 2)
Mark Husen from Bellin Health is on with the guys to discuss Sports Medicine. Then Christie Barlament from City Deck Landing has her Weekend Calendar of events!
Football and Paintbrushes
Civic Media's Mike Clemens talks with the guys about the upcoming Packer game this weekend. Then Jim's wife Dona and Christie Barlament joins the gang to present a painting of "Milton" (the former mayor's dog) to Jim while John sings "To Sir With Love."
Bellin Sports Medicine
Dr. Derek Vaughn from Bellin Sports Medicine talks about preventative wellness care. Then Christie Barlament from the City Deck in Green Bay has her weekly look at "What's Happening" this weekend in Northeast Wisconsin.
What’s going on in Green Bay this weekend. Mike Clemens previews the Packers Bears game.
Christie from the City Deck Landing, joins the guys to talk about what's going on in the city. Mike Clemens, Civic Media Sports Director, gives a preview of Packers Bears. Why isn't Jim buying his mom a Rumba? Maino and The Mayor always on Facebook.
Math and strong suit or no? Christie joins the show to talk City Deck Landing.
Is math a strong suit for Maino, cause he wants to be a welder. Christie Barlament joins the show to talk about what's happening on the City Deck Landing! It gets crazy, check out Maino and The Mayor on Facebook.