Beth Rohn-Habhegger

Hour 2: The Kitchen’s Open

June 19, 2023

The morning team talks about the history of gender roles in the kitchen, the new Grammy awards rules, Tom Hank's advice to grandparents, Ryan Reynold's new bedtime stories show, the weirdest requests servers have observed, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.

Hour 1: Happy Juneteenth!

June 19, 2023

James, Melissa and Beth start the week with a look at everyone's weekend (Port Edwards Street Dance! Cranberry Fest! Naked Bike Ride!), some Juneteenth facts, Misty's Menu Birthday and Anniversary Club, celebrity birthdays, the new ice cream for breakfast, the new cheese tasting job at UW, and sticking your head in a freezer to wake up.

Hour 2: The Kitchen’s Open

June 12, 2023

Beth and Melissa talk about what to do with table scraps, then the team gets into Brian Cranston walking back his retirement, Christopher Nolan's new movie, the ARNOLD docuseries on Netflix, phrases that have run their course and should be retired, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.

Hour 1: And then there are some of us who are both beautiful AND smart…

June 12, 2023

The Morning Crew starts the week with a review of the weekend, including Pet Palooza, Misty's Menu Birthday and Anniversary Club, celebrity birthdays, the worst colors to wear on a first date, and whether or not it's better to be smart or good looking.

Hour 3: The Kitchen’s Open

May 22, 2023

Melissa and Beth open the kitchen to discuss food safety and regulations, then the team gets into some Swifty news, Harrison Ford's Cannes award, using cash to hide where your money goes, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.

Hour 2: Yes, but can AI paint my house?

May 22, 2023

The crew gets into the top 60 songs from the 1980s, Misty's Menu Birthday and Anniversary Club, celebrity birthdays, whether or not the shoes come off in the home (and should you ask your guests to do the same), and AI to mow your lawn.

Hour 1: I get paid to listen to the Morning Show…

May 22, 2023

The Monday Morning Gang kicks off the show with a review of their respective weekends, the National Day-Of calendar, being paid to watch TikTok videos (with a side trip into slang), and how to become a morning person.


May 17, 2023

Beth discusses what GRACE is and the upcoming Walk Off Debt event.

Hour 3: The Kitchen’s Open

May 15, 2023

The kitchen opens to discuss lettuce and all its varieties, then the team get into the first two hours of MTV, Dolly Parton's new roller coaster, the fate of the Cheers set, the "no barking" dog park, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.

Hour 2: They’re called Sliders for a reason…

May 15, 2023

James, Melissa and Beth look at the top baby names from 2022 then take a look at names of the past, Misty's Menu Birthday and Anniversary Club, celebrity birthdays, the world record for fast food service in an hour, hatching chicks from store bought eggs, and White Castle handing out free sliders.
