Steve Palec
Interview: Steve Palec
Guest: Steve Palec
Radio legend and Author, Steve Palec talks all things bourbon and his theory on how to fix the election.
It’s Election Day!
Political ad roast. Steve Palec joins. Connect MKE.
Political ads roast
- Comedians Mark Vegas, Greg Bach, Ryan Mason, Raegan Niemela, and Luise Noe join for a political ads roast for election day.
Steve Palec joins
- Radio legend and Author, Steve Palec talks all things bourbon and his theory on how to fix the election.
- You can find Steve Palecs book, In Aw: Beatles, Baseball, and Bourbon on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Connect MKE
- Host and Producer of Connect MKE, Denise Callaway joins to tell us about the final episodes of Connect MKE.
- You can watch the upcoming episodes on CW 18 on November 9th, 9-10pm and Friday, November 18th 9-10pm.
- You can watch the upcoming episodes on My24 Next Wednesday, November 16th 7-8pm.
- You can stay connected with Denise Callaway on Twitter.
Music from today's show can be found on As Goes Wisconsin's Spotify playlist.
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