Shawn Reilly

This Week in Waukesha: December 3rd

December 3, 2022

Don is joined by Waukesha Mayor, Shawn Reilley to discuss the upcoming Christmas parade, healing as a community, and everything happening up in the city.

Interview: Mayor Shawn Reilly

November 9, 2022

Serving as Waukesha Mayor since 2014, Mayor Shawn Reilly tells us how Waukesha is doing after the tragic incident that took place a year ago.

“Boring Wins”

November 9, 2022

Election night recap. Mayor Shawn Reilly joins. Judge Derek Mosley joins.

Mayor Shawn Reilly joins

  • Serving as Waukesha Mayor since 2014, Mayor Shawn Reilly tells us how Waukesha is doing after the tragic incident that took place a year ago.
  • The City of Waukesha will hold a remembrance ceremony for the victims and survivors of last year's Christmas parade attack on Nov. 21 in Culver Park.

Judge Derek Mosley joins

  • Newly appointed director of Marquette University Law School’s Lubar Center, Judge Derek Mosley talks about why he turned in his robe and gavel.


Music from today's show can be found on As Goes Wisconsin's Spotify playlist.

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