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Violence has no place in the political process

Scot Ross

JD Is OK with J6 (Hour 1)

July 18, 2024

Donald Trump’s new running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, spoke to the Republican convention Wednesday night. Joe Zepecki and Scot Ross tell us how Vance’s appeal to Trump has something to do with why the former president isn’t running with his previous running mate. UpNorthNews with Pat Kreitlow airs on several stations across the Civic […]

Scot Ross Educates on student debt (Hour 1)

June 13, 2024

Guest: Scot Ross

“Milwaukee is a horrible place” says Trump. That will go down well considering the city is hosting the Repbulican Convention. Scot Ross has been on the student debt issue for decades now and there is no better person to speak on behalf of borrowers. Joe Biden has done more to help on this issue than […]

Gambling at Casablanca???

March 6, 2024

Guest: Scot Ross

Firebrand, pundit, and recently-married man Scot Ross joins the Devils to break down the Super Tuesday results. Haley is out! Phillips is out! 2020 part two is on! Ross has it all covered, and even makes us remember that terrible Scott Walker… On the Biden front, Ross says that Wisconsin should be a slam dunk […]

Happy Kamala Harris Day!

March 6, 2024

Guest: Scot Ross

Vice President Kamala Harris was in Madison today, and Crute was on location to capture the scene for us. Tune in for audio of pro-Palestine protestors, a new proclamation from Madison Mayor Rhodes-Conway, an introduction from Ben Wikler, and some words from Harris herself! Due to her personal history here in Madison, March 6th is […]

The Karen Bradley

November 21, 2023

Guest: Scot Ross

It’s a great day on the Devil’s Advocates, as the boys break down today’s oral argument for the case to toss the state’s gerrymandered maps. Plus, Scot Ross joins the show to break down Republican rhetoric.

We’re Dealing with a Powerful Group of People

October 31, 2023

Guest: Scot Ross

Scot Ross joins the Devil’s to try and find out who the shadowy group of powerful people are trying to suppress Ron Johnson, and try to find out more about Speaker Mike Johnson.

Staying on Offense to Defend Democracy (Hour 2)

September 18, 2023

We’ll visit with Scot Ross about the need for progressives to rise to the challenge of calling out misinformation and insisting on better coverage that doesn’t let assaults on democracy sound like “business as usual.” 

Weekly Best of UpNorthNews Radio with Pat Kreitlow for Jul 8

July 8, 2023

During this short week, Pat catches us up on the new state budget signed by Governor Tony Evers with the help of Scot Ross. Afterward, Todd Allbaugh and Dr. Kristin Lyerly throw Pat a surprise birthday party with the help of his wife, Sharry!

From Cradle to College: Conservative Non-Support (Hour 2)

July 6, 2023

From cradle to college, there are Wisconsin politicians eager to make life a bit worse. Scot Ross will take us through the fight to tame student loan debt and the recent setback by conservatives on the US Supreme Court. And postpartum doula Kristin Quinn reviews the benefits of extending women’s post-pregnancy health care through Medicaid […]

Evers’ Legacy: Four Centuries of Support! (Hour 1)

July 6, 2023

Guest: Scot Ross

Give it up for Gov. Tony Evers’ creative use of the partial-veto in making sure Wisconsin’s public schools receive a certain level of support for the next 402 years. Also: Scot Ross has some serious things to say in our second hour about student loan debt—but he joins us at the end of our first […]

WAUK - Waukesha - The 'SHA