Katie Hess
Family Services (Hour 2)
An hour discussing great services in our communities! First Jennifer Birschbach with Green Bay Area Mom joins Jim and John to talk about some of the services they offer to families with children. From events, to overall support, you can find so many great things in our area just by checking them out. You'll find out more about them HERE. Then Katie Hess from the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin is here to talk about that support group and also talk about a golf event that is coming up. The event helps raise funds for the support services that the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin offer. Get more details on them HERE.
Maino and the Mayor is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-9 am on WGBW in Green Bay and on WISS in Appleton/Oshkosh. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook and X to keep up with Maino and the Mayor!
Autism Acceptance & Retired Gentlemen (Hour 2)
What an amazing hour! Heather Heil from the Green Bay Children's Museum sits in for The Mayor this morning. Katie Hess from the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin joins us to talk about Autism Acceptance Month. To find out more details about the Society, click HERE. Then Bill Hartung joins John and Heather about the Green Bay Area Retired Men's Club. He tells a bit about the club, what to expect, what the meetings typically consist of. You can find more details about the club HERE.