Dawn Desorcy
Wisconsin Rapids Swim Club
In this edition of Mid-Day Magazine host James J. Malouf is joined by Dave Kontz, Swim Club Head Coach, Amy Marquard, Club Secretary, and Dawn Desorcy, Recreation Supervisor at Visit Wisconsin Rapids, to discuss the Wisconsin Rapids Swim Club.
Wisconsin Rapids Parks & Recreation
James talks with Dawn about the WRPR's winter and spring programs and other upcoming events
Wisconsin Rapids Parks and Recreations Department
For this edition of Mid-Day Magazine host James J. Malouf is joined by Dawn Desorcy, Recreation Supervisor, to discuss their upcoming fall programs
Dawn Desorcy – Wis Rapids Parks & Rec
James is joined by Dawn Desorcey, Recreation Supervisor with Wisconsin Rapids Park and Recreation Department, to update you ahead of an exciting summer!
Hour 2: Parks & Rec. Department
Dawn talks about winter activities and classes offered by the city, then J & M get into entertainment news, the cat figurine museum, some cold weather facts, the proliferation of Mexican restaurants in the US, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.
Hour 2: Wisconsin Rapids Parks & Rec. Department
Dawn gets everyone ready for all the events happening this fall from the Parks Dept., then M & J get into entertainment news, couples Halloween costumes, and That Ain't Right and Good Stories of the Day.
City of Wisconsin Rapids Parks and Forestry Department
Dawn goes through all the great activities and facilities available throughout the summer in Rapids.
Wisconsin Rapids Parks & Rec. Dept.
Dawn talks about new classes offered by the department and other events being planned.