Celinda Lake

Proof is in the Polling! EVERYBODY Wants to Tax the Rich

September 20, 2024

Special Guest: Celinda Lake

Celinda Lake is the President of Lake Research Partners, a leading Democratic polling firm, and therefore one of the Democratic Party’s leading political strategists. She was one of two lead pollsters for the Biden campaign in 2020 and continues to serve as a pollster to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), other national party committees, and dozens of Democratic incumbents and challengers. Celinda and her firm are known for cutting-edge research on issues including the economy, health care, the environment, and education. She has worked with the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA), AFL-CIO, SEIU, CWA, IAFF, NRDC, ecoAmerica, NARAL, Human Rights Campaign, Planned Parenthood, The Next Generation, EMILY's List, VoteVets Action Fund, and the Kaiser Family Foundation.
