Ben Eberlien
United Way
In this edition of Mid-Day Magazine host James J. Malouf is joined by Ben Eberlien, Community Engagement Director with United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties, to discuss some community updates and highlights.
United Way – ALICE Report
In this edition of Mid-day Magazine host James J. Malouf is joined by Ben Eberlien, Community Engagement Director with United Way, who is in to discuss the finding of the ALICE report and what it means for you.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben talks about the final weeks of the Fall Campaign and what's coming up in 2024.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben talks about the recent Wreath Auction, stock boxes to combat hunger during the holidays, and the 211 app.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben talks about United Way day at McDonald's, the fall campaign, and the upcoming sweepstakes.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben talks about volunteer opportunities, the ALICE report, and recent events.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben discusses the Cabin Fever Challenge and the Springborn Learning Academy for parents.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Ben talks about the ALICE Report, what it's all about, and how it helps people in Central Wisconsin.
United Way of South Wood and Adams Counties
Amy and Ben talk about the Day of Caring and other volunteer opportunities, plus the fall campaign.