Allison Garfield
Dan Shafer Guest Hosts
Dan Shafer Guest Hosts. Evan Goyke joins. Downtown 2040 plan. Amtrak in Madison.
Evan Goyke joins
- Current State Representative Evan Goyke tells us about his campaign to run for Milwaukee City Attorney in 2024.
Downtown 2040 plan
- Tanya Fonesca from the Milwaukee Department of City Development about the new Downtown 2040 plan, which is meant to emphasize pedestrian safety and green infrastructure.
Amtrak in Madison
- Allison Garfield of the CapTimes tells us about Amtrak in Madison.
Music from today's show can be found on As Goes Wisconsin's Spotify playlist.
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Interview: Allison Garfield
Guest: Allison Garfield
Allison Garfield of the CapTimes tells us about Amtrak in Madison.