After the results of Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley has ended her presidential campaign. While she did not endorse Trump, she did not condemn him either. We invite our typical Wednesday guests, Pat Kreitlow of UpNorthNews Radio and Trygve Olson of The Lincoln Project, to reflect on these events.
GOP messaging would have you believe that Democrats are divided on Biden. Yes, many have issues with Biden, but when it comes down to it, Biden is getting higher numbers than even Obama did.
Remember when Scott Walker turned down federal funding for high-speed trains in Wisconsin? The trains were still made, and they now operate in Africa. Wisconsinites still paid for them, too.
The Todd Allbaugh Show is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 12 - 2 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and YouTube to keep up with Todd and the show!