todd allbaugh show

Lesson Of The Year: Don’t Buy Air with Peter Rapine (Hour 1)

Lesson Of The Year: Don’t Buy Air with Peter Rapine (Hour 1)







Today, Todd broadcasts live from the WRCE studios in Richland Center! Right off the bat, he is joined by his old boss, former Republican State Senate Majority Leader Dale Schultz. After catching up on football and hunting, Dale and Todd return to the ever-important topic of civility in politics. They also reflect on the impact of Scott Walker’s Act 10 on Wisconsin’s social structure and economy.

On the topic of treating each other with respect, Dale recommends the book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert Putnam. This examination of American social trends from the year 2000 still rings true today, and it’s worth a read. If you’d rather watch a movie on that topic, Netflix is streaming JOIN OR DIE, a film based on the book and how to apply its lessons.

This week, Peter Rapine joins us an hour early for another week in review! As Managing Editor of eBaum’s World, he is always ready to share the craziest stories of real things that real people have done. 

Here are the stories that Peter covered today:

The Todd Allbaugh Show is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 12 - 2 pm across Wisconsin. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to to see the entire broadcast line up. Follow the show on Facebook, X and YouTube to keep up with Todd and the show!
