"The Man" from The Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake, Jason Mansmith, joins us to talk about a great line-up of music and films that are coming up at that great venue. From bluegrass to solo performers to a free film series, there's something for everyone at The Thrasher. Then Douglas Darby and Jacob Jansen from Turning The Page , LLC join the show once again to talk about having the discussion about addiction in our schools and homes. Both of these individuals have lived through addiction. They share their stories of their low points and how the road is not easy, but can be navigated.
Maino and the Mayor is a part of the Civic Media radio network and airs Monday through Friday from 6-9 am on WGBW in Green Bay and on WISS in Appleton/Oshkosh. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows to see the entire broadcast lineup. Follow the show on Facebook and X to keep up with Maino and the Mayor!