Maggie and the Millionaires TALK MONEY

Maggie Daun
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Maggie Daun
As the 2024 election season kicks off in earnest - and both candidates vie for the all important working class vote, join Maggie Daun and the Patriotic Millionaires for a daily deep dive into the one issue that matters most in a capitalist democracy. Money. Money, money, money, money. Over the last decades politicians of both political parties have rigged the economy in favor of the rich and against working people. Inequality is at 100 year highs. Billionaires are flying in rocket ships while the people who work for them sleep in their cars. It’s time to demand the economy working people in Wisconsin need. We will break down how to get it with a group of millionaires who see how the system is rigged and want to fix it.