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We Can’t Have Both: America’s Choice of Concentrated Wealth or Freedom

We Can’t Have Both: America’s Choice of Concentrated Wealth or Freedom

August 28, 2024 4:00 PM CDT

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Guests: Tiffany Muller

Tiffany is the President of End Citizens United, Let America Vote, and the End Citizens United/Let America Vote Action Fund. Since joining ECU, Tiffany has helped grow the group from a start-up to a nationwide organization with more than 4 million members and 1 million grassroots donors. Since its founding in 2015, ECU has raised over $200 million to help protect and strengthen democracy and has helped elect more than 600 democracy champions. Under her leadership, the group has made protecting the voice and vote of every American a national priority, which led to the introduction of the most significant anti-corruption and voting rights legislation in generations. Signifying its top priority status, the bill was designated H.R. 1 and S. 1, passed the U.S. House of Representatives, and received majority support in the U.S. Senate.

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