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It’s All About the Money- and your rights therein (Hour 1)

It’s All About the Money- and your rights therein (Hour 1)

September 10, 2024 5:00 PM CDT

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Guests: Harvey Kaye

Starting off, we address Ron Jonson's latest nonsense about how "democrats are dividing the nation". Next, whose finances are we more concerned about- Tammy Baldwin's partner's clients or multi-millionaire bank-owner Eric Hovde, who is himself running for Senate?

Dom's guest for the second half hour is Harvey Kaye, Professor Emeritus of Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Harvey co-authors a comic series on expanding our rights, specifically our economic rights. The series builds on the proposals laid out by FDR in his 1944 State of the Union, the policies advanced by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and legislation modern progressive politicians work to pass today. The comic series, frankly, is really freaking cool, with smooth artwork and thought-provoking content, go check it out!

Join Dom Salvia every afternoon from 4-6pm for news (some), humor (more), and great conversation (always)! Listen throughout the state of Wisconsin on the Civic Media network and worldwide on the Civic Media app. Call or text to join the fun at 855-752-4842.

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